Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy PI DAY!!

In case you were foolishly ignorant of the fact tomorrow is the day of Pi 3.14. I am excited and you should be too. Everyone should make a pie and celebrate its pieness. I will be busy though, helping chumpy students and being a science fair judge, woo!

I know it has been around a while, but this trailer is still super badass, especially the song that starts about half way through. Reminds me of Motorstorm  with that sort of gritty sound of power that gets your blood pumping. Fifty Cent has a good video game in which he tries to get his stolen Crystal Skull back, so I am sure someone could pull off making a good Fast and Furious game. Get some awesome songs like those in Motorstorm, some open world racing and cop fleeing like in GTA but with shinnier and faster cars and straighter roads, and some roof/street running first person style like Mirror's Edge. Pump everything up in terms of speed and adrenaline and let the beast loose. Then find a way to have the music crescendo or hit beats with action events.

Time to go fix my broken research. Oh my. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Truth Campaign

Some would have you believe that I am here to smear a cat's good name. Any one who knows me, knows I love cats and am a partial cat whisperer. While Baby Cat or B.C. is a cat and is cute, it is well known that she bites with no provocation. This is not a smear, it is the honest truth. 

Her owner wants you to believe that the cat in question will do a lot of cute cat like things out of love and has posted this dubious list. First of all, there is no proof other than her word that these events even occur. Also, let me remind you that even Hitler had a family that he treated tolerably.

There are scores of witnesses who will tell their stories of horror in which they were unfairly bitten by the Baby Cat. I know I have bleed from the bite wounds she has given me. The Bitey Cat is bitey and the only reason the old sister thinks otherwise is because the cat knows if she kills sister, no one will be there to feed her.

As to the assertion that a vicious bipolar killer could never be as cute as Baby Cat in a certain picture, I have one word: BIPOLAR. Two poles people! One is cute and cuddly and pulls you in for the pets and then when you least expect it and are off your guard BLAM! the other one shows up and you are being bitten before you know it.


Check out my website! NVCReviews

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Did I Die?

No I didn't die, I just go blogless sometimes. I have been busy starting up a website with the old sister. Hopefully I can learn some html skills and make it a lot nicer than it is. If you want some honest reviews of books or video games you should check it out.